Friday 2 September 2016

How to configure Outlook in Android Mobile

Hi, Please below few step to configure any outlook account in your Android Mobile.

Go to Setting

Select Add Account

Type your email address (example: and your password

Select the Exchange option

If you get the message like “Unable to connect server” check your server name

Enter your server name properly into server field.

You will be asked to update various account options, select the options that best fit your use.

You might receive a message about additional security features like Security Activation, 6 digit security codes for mobile lock screen and Data Encryption. If you do, select OK to continue.
This Security Feature configure automatically in your mobile. 

Once the device verifies the server settings, the Account options page will open. You can accept the defaults or select the options for how you want to send and receive your mail, then tap Next 

Now try to send one test mail on your email address. So, we can know Outlook configured properly.
