Thursday, 28 May 2015

The Margin of section 1 are set outside the printable area of the page

While try to take a printout of word file we are getting this error message.

Solution for this issue is very simple.

  1. Go to File
  2. Click on Print
  3. check in your zoom options - Scale to page size
  4. Select which paper size you want (mostly we use A4 ) - Select A4 
  5. Unchecked print to file option if you have selected.
  6. Ok

Then try to print again.

hope this will help  you.


Monday, 11 May 2015

PDF Error : File could not be printed

I have a PDF file whenever i try to print it its showing me error file could not be printed and no image to print. i have tried below step to solve this issue.

1. Repair the Adobe reader
2. Re-install the Adobe reader.
3. Tried to find out is there any protection mode in the pdf file 
4. Try to print from other computer but same issue showing same error.

Then I find in pdf file there is same part of the file is hidden with the help of Touch object option from tools.
I split the pdf file page and try to print and printing works but only 1 page printing not working.

So, I user Open with option try to open the file in other pdf reader software (foxit reader ) and it works.

Try this option may be it will help you.

Thursday, 7 May 2015

When I only Select email message in Inbox outlook make it as read without opening it because of the Outlook reading pane feature. To Stop this feature follow below step.

When I only Select email message in Inbox outlook make it as read without opening it because of the Outlook reading pane feature. To Stop this feature follow below step.

1. Go to Tools tabs in outlook
2. Select option

3. click on Other Tab - Select Reading Pane

4 Than Uncheck all three option
5 Click on OK

Restart Outlook than check it works or not.
This is by defaulf option you have to remove it to disable this feature.